Monday, November 01, 2004

Personal Inquery

Personal Inquery

Please enjoy this poem by my friend Mo.
Cup of Something Different

Hushed, humbled, I was dragged upon your shore.
Seduced by a promise of safety,
Smitten by your hearty hellos
And casual embraces,
Too tired to fight,
Too proud to cling,
Too full of my home-brewed wisdom to sample yours.

You handed me a cup of something different,
Something I had never known.
Newness tasting like discomfort, I flinched.
But, you stayed, and;
I swallowed your offering.

Unfamiliar burn disconcerting,
Ancient armor dropped as scars became raw.
Age-old questions seared open.
I cried as you knowingly smiled,
Grasping your challenge,
I asked for more.

mt 2004

See her blog at MaureenRose