Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday is fading fast

Tomorrow is MLK day. That guy was powerful.

I am really sore today. We won our tourney, in the high winds and chill temp. I need ice, heat, a massage, a chiro, and a week to heal. My problem is if I take a week off to heal, I'll gain 5 lbs.

I'm considering a soup diet. I think that means I just eat soup. I give it two meals before I blow it ;) Maybe if i add fruits and vegetables? I'm not obese, not even fat, But i definately have axtra weight in the middle. I think losing the weight will be valuable to health longevity. So why can't I wrap my will around it?

I'm encouraged by the recent growth of ultimate in Palm beach, and the talent caliber is above average. Another 10 good players and we could consider having a competitive team.

Landmark is a bit of a drag. I'd prefer right now just to have a mentor or committed small group. Don't have either. I'm going to change that. It fits with being at 70%. ;)

I might have more to say, but in such a confined space, it's probably not all going to fit here.