Friday, February 18, 2005

Neck Pain Vs Pain in the Neck

Don't freak out or anything, I know this is my second post in the same month. Before you fear the worst let me assure you, there is no more reason to panic todaythan there was yesterday. It's the same scary world just a different day. That being said, let's get to the point. I hurt my neck. I am experiencing neck pain. The kind you wake up with and you can't move your head and you blame your bed or your pillow or some random movement you must have made while sleeping. The chiropractor says it is the result of a deteriorating condition, where there is tightness and pinching over time, without release it turns into this barely bearable neck pain. I thought he could fix it but he can't. I have to go back again in a few days for more twisting and cracking. The chiro doesn't like the term cracking, he says "air is being released". Whatever. feels like cracking to me and it's easier to say in a story. So I have to turn my whole body to look left and right. At least it entertains my coworkers. So probably no ultimate this weekend. I had a hat tournament in Melbourne to attend. Depends on how I feel in the morning. This stupid neck pain is a pain in the neck. Need more regular visists to the chiro. Good Kool-aid there. Nice people. I should do whatever they say.