Thursday, April 07, 2005

Are you kidding me?

A's mom-If you really want more for A, then ask for more from her. Don't let her get away with lying to you or herself.

And since I seem to have a blog fan club now, T, when you read this, know that I trusted you to take care of A, and all you did was enable her to live the same old lies.

I never tried to change A, she told me she wanted to change. She told me she didn't want to drink anymore, smoke anymore, and other things I won't share. When I first met A, I could care less what she did, I just thought she was interesting and I enjoyed talking with her. She asked me to help her escape her old patterns. I fell for it.

K, you were right.

As for me, looking back, I am confident I handled the situation with honor. I did the best I could to support and encourage A. I am sorry I didhn't have the tools to be more supportive and less hurt.

A- 90 in 90, and when you experience true transformation, I'll know, because you will want to tell the world. You won't be worried about how other people failed you, you will be too busy apologizing to those you have hurt, and thanking those who were there for you.