Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Technically it's not "today" anymore. But I think since I haven't gone to sleep and woken up to start a new day this can still count as today in the spirit of daily blogging.

I have had some good conversations lately with a number of different people about "looking good" and having a "listening" for people. I've also done some coaching on how to go to the other person's "island".

Rocky told me today that Ashley and her sister are working together and Ashley is getting promoted. It made me think of Ashley, and while it was a difficult relationship it was very revealing and impactful in a short time.

I also thought tonight that maybe Kelly is right. Maybe my self esteem does keep me from being ina relationship. I am pretty confident and powerful and productive, but I'm not certain I could trust anyone to really love me. I have trouble believing I am good enough to be loved. This will require further investigation, and probably some lengthy discussions with my parents.

Andrea started playing ultimate. She is a natural athlete and people really enjoy talking with her.

My brother I'med me today and asked me to play an online game with him, city of Heroes. I told him I would love to and he said that made him happy. I almost cried. I want him to be happy.

Talked to my dad today, it was pleasant. Always nice to chat with pappa.

Mail rates go up 2cents next year.

I'd like to go to the Heat game Christmas day but I can't find tickets.

Kelly and I had a great conversation about Andrea. It was more about the friendship between Kelly and I. It was nice to see that we valued our friendship enough to choose to be authentic and have a tough conversation. I was proud of her and thankful for the way she handled it. It helped me.

Bed time-see you tomorrow blog.