Sunday, April 02, 2006


Seems like if I spend more than 8 hours in this house I start sneezing. I think the cat has house fever too. She is constantly scratching at the glass.

Life is good these days. No major issues. I feel a bit out of shape. Time to make good on my gym commitment this week. Last week I sabotaged myself by not getting enough sleep. This weekend I caufgt up and I will be at the gym this week every morning.

I like getting awareness over effort. So a problem only seems like a problem, and if I apply effort to the problem, the problem resists with equal strength. If I am simply aware there is a problem, I will auto adjust to correct without effort.

I see that work in most areas. Some problems seem less auto correctectable. For example. What am i going to do with the rest of my life?
The problem might look like, I am not satisfied with my career. The auto correct on a problem of this size seems to be more time intensive.

Some other observations. Every great thing seems to takes 3 . 1 is fun startup, 2 is struggle, 3 is fruits of the labor. Much of life goes in this cycle. whether it's 3 minutes or 3 years, an idea or a relationship.

Ok, can't stop sneezing. Look forward to watching the race.