Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Tuesday 110504 Groovin

I am in a fantastic mood today. I was in a bit of a funk the past 2 weeks. You know how that is. I am almost always in a good mood so being in a funk is somewhat disconcerting for me. I have such a moderate temperament with no outburts that I need consistent stress relief. I play a lot of sports and with the hurricanes and schedule changes and bad weather, blah blah blah, I missed out on some stress relief. There is of course the daily financial stress. I make just enough to pay my bills. While that puts me in a better position than most, it makes emergencies and extra expenses challenging. But back to my good mood. I have a new friend Ashley, and having peer conversations with her has been refreshing. Ironically enough she is a red head with an interest in Tennis. I believe I will learn a lot from my interactions with her.

Almost Thanksgiving. I am very thankful. For all the little things I can experience every day.
Nice house, running car, Kelly is a wonderful roommate and friend. I eat well, sleep well, dress well, and I have a lot of fun. I have a pleasant and rewarding job and several hobbies. While there are so many things I could complain about, I'm just not interested in seeing life that way. I appreciate the challenge and opportunity every day presents. Give thanks.