Monday, September 05, 2005

Drunk Dial

So an old friend called me at 3 am this weekend. She was "tipsy" as she puts it. I ignored the call because I know calls at the time of the am never bode well. It's either bad news which can always wait till the morning, or a sloppy phone call the person is likely to regret later. This was the "regret later" variety.

She ended up leaving 3 messages in a row. The first 2 she poured out her feelings and shared some nonsense. The third was fairly apologetic in a, please don't hate me kinda way. She knows how I feel about alcohol/drugs. I think she was confused a little because of my interaction with A. But while I was a little disappointed by what happened, I think I understood.

She was just so happy to be out with her friends, to be getting attention from guys, to feel wanted, attractive, interesting, liked. Something we all want and feel we lack at some point or another. I have observed that drinking is often a quick fix or a nightly reprieve from self doubt, loneliness, fear. I'd rather she discovered her self worth, her value. I'd rather she chased down her dreams, experienced life with as much awareness as possible. In lieu of that, to be most honest, I'm just happy she was happy for a night.

I hate to see people hurting, it cuts right down to my core. I wish I could gather everyone up and take them to their "happy place". I would let each and every person know how wonderful they are, what amazing opportunity and possibility exists for them. We are so often our own worst enemy. And I believe strongly that while alcohol/drugs can be a much wanted reprieve from the emptiness, it is a temporary and risky remedy. Emptiness is like a cold, it can't really be treated with medicines, they just mask the symptoms. The best cure for a cold is prevention, a lifestyle of being healthy. Same with our hearts and souls, pursue health and wholeness, and avoid those things that simply mask the symptoms.

I cry. Every time I have the opportunity to witness someone "get it". To realize that they are the one responsible for the choices and direction of their own life. They see the beauty of themself and the beauty of the world and the limitless "potentiality" that makes every day an adventure. I cry when I see it. The whole world shifts, when just one person "gets it".

So she called and emailed to apologize, worried that I would be ashamed, angry, or most of all "lose respect" for her. I experienced none of the above. I simply encouraged her to want more for herself. Because there are amazing things just waiting for her. I don't "judge" people who drink, but I do evaluate. Some people drink for simple please and "sociality". Some people drink for relief, for courage, or in hopes of it inducing intimacy they are otherwise lacking. Some people drink because they are addicts. And some people don't drink. It is what it is. We all need and want the same things, to be loved and liked by others. Just be careful please.

And remember, life is richer when you experience it fully. Here's to all you early morning drunk are wonderful people. Thanks for the funny messages you provide. ;)