Saturday, April 01, 2006

Puny Poster

Ugh, my posting commitment has been small of late. Seems like I struggle to have balance. I am afraid that if whatever I am doing doesn't get enough attention it won't be good enough. So I lean hard one way and other stuff spills. Let me look at what is spilling.
Mediocre effort on growing Manna
I am out of shape
my room is a disaster
the house is a mess
i am lacking focus
i haven't slept well
Haven't kep some commitments
haven't updated my webpire
slacking on ultimate duties

ok that will do for now.

So it's ok to have a breakdown list. My life is great. I am great.
But when stuff isn't working. It's time for a sit down with self.

I am really blown away by Andrea and Kelly. Their courage is outstanding.
Both are taking on new relationships, and new lives. And I appreciate their contribution to my life . Now I need some awesome male peers to round out a pretty talented group. Maybe Seth will play? I'll get a feel for him later when we meet. I'm sure he is great.

She has really helped me a lot. Her strength, even when she doesn't see it. She keeps battling, doesn't quit, doesn't lose it. And that's with me pushing so hard. I created an environment where she thought everything needed to be fixed. I must communicate that to a lot of people. But it's really just about awareness. Being able to see where I am-who i am-in any moment-no need to change or fix because my awareness of hwere I am creates the adjustments needed to be my possibility.

Like when we lose our balance, we don't think LeFt RIGHT rIGHT LeFT. We just do it. We adjust when we are aware we are not balanced. So much effort and struggle is not required. Just awareness. And a smile never hurts ;)

So that is a valuable lesson for me. To be aware, and to coach awareness, not fixing.

She is taking me dancing tonight. I am scared. LOL of what? Who knows? failing somehow. looking dumb ;) Not enough to stop me anymore. Why be stopped? Life is too short to not experience it fully and courageously.

Another person I am proud of is Geri. She is wrestling with being powerful or being stopped. And I am at cause for the wrestling. Who I have been has created a loss of trust and integrity. She wants to trust me, she feels like she can't. But soon she will get that her life is hers, not mine or anyone else's. Take your life on Geri. You are powerful and amazing. How about Powmazing?

Courage and Contribution.