Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The home stretch

With the big game just weeks away, training has intensified. You don't get many chances to play in the big game (play big in the game) so when the opportunites come, the importance is magnified.

The Dare to be great situations some of us are looking for, when we are lucky enough to see them coming, we can prepare, train, and get focused to make the right call at the right time.

Heading home is just huge for me right now. I almost want to cry when I think about the opportunity this presents to "get complete". Living past 74% exists in this trip home for me.

Andrea had a commitment to have a "breakthrough" conversation with me. Of course when someone says that You think, ok I think, does that mean there is something wrong with me? Do I need to be fixed? I must make people feel that way alot. So this is what came out in the conversation.

I have to be right. I am a diplomat. I am funny.

I'm not certain of the order or the events that created these strong suits. I think being right came last, and along with being right is being analytical. I know being funny which is attached to wit and sarcasm, existed in middle school. Which leaves being the diplomat came first.

Being right is definately the strongest most vibrant for me right now. I am often right, so right, I am really good at it, even when it is innapropriate. Analytical is the tool I use to be right. I must be, I know I am right because I picked apart the data. I have to be right, because if I am wrong, you won't love me, I won't be accepted. So I am a good listener. So I can be right, so I can be accepted and loved.

I get that when I am safe, I am expressed. In Ultimate, at work, coaching or teaching are very safe places for me. With new or strange people is not safe of course.

I want everything to be ok, if it isn't, then I'm not ok. So I can play the diplomat, smooth things over, protect people. So I am a good comunicator. I will listen to you so you can be ok, then I can be ok. So If I have some value, If I can help, then I can be loved. Then I have a place in the world, I belong, I'm not alone.

So being a diplomat seems to have come first, then humor, then being right.
I'm not good enough so I will Right!
I don't belong so i will Be Funny
I'm on my own so I will a Diplomat

Ok so being right started it all, and that seems to make sense to me, then being funny, then being a diplomat. Maybe that's true. I can rememebr wanting to be an ambassador when I was in school. I don't remember why, other than that I wanted everything to be ok.

Maybe I was Funny first. Then I was a Diplomat, and then I was right?

I'll keep my radar on for these strong suits, and when I am acting them out, I'll ask myself, what am I saying and who am i being right now to give me this strong suit.

Ok,,,bed time!