Ugh, it's late and I am tired. The last thing I wanna do is post. so that's what I'm doing. Maybe taking on things that seem contrary to what I normally do will help the anti-funk momentum.
It was like bizarro night tonight. I felt like a zombie. PSL was like a ghost town, none of the stations were open or working and the only people around seemed to be cops and crack heads.
Crack heads? Seriously? What a lame word. If we all had some derogatory reference for our addictions we'd have no idea which one to use. Passive Aggressive people could be Postals in Training or slow burners. Married people who don't talk to each other could be resentals.
Daytona was a wild experience. Just crazy. SOOOO many people in one place. Lots of bikers. The infield was unreal, with thousand of people on campers. Jay Leno drove by when we were walking around. He ended up being the pace car driver. It was stupid cold on Sunday. Carl Edwards was dead last due to a wreck. I like him and Tony Stewart. I like Tony cuz he could drive a wrecked car with 3 wheels to a top ten finish. I wish he wasn't so beligerent. But its a good balance because Carl is nicer than nun.
Bed time. Before I go though, I just have to say. It was strange to let Kelly down on purpose. I've done it before on accident, and I'd say doing it on purpose is less painful. It's better to choose your breakdowns then be victims to them. Really wierd, maybe it's too late to be deep thinking.