Friday, December 09, 2005

So close and yet so far

It's ironic and entertaining that I feel like I felt a year ago, only different.
So much has happened, I've changed so much. This year has certainly been a reawakening. I basically spent all of 2005 coming out of my safe cave and back into the world.

I can see the transformation at work in my life and it makes me happy. I've felt dormant for so long. Even when Ashley was around it was just like stopping for a street performer. It's cute and entertaining but you know the real show is somewhere else. I am grateful for Ashley because she was impetus for me to get to the real show.

I almost feel like I felt when I was 16. I see the opportunity to be scared, to run but here at 29, I find I have power over those feelings. I have other options. I can use this day, this moment, and any occurence to create something wonderful.

I am touched by the want in people around me to have the joy and peace that I experience daily. I am committed to creating that possibility for anyone who requests it, and few who might not. Now, I just need to figure out how. ;)

So I am moving, moving towards a greater involvement in life. I have missed out on a lot of "dare to be great moments" becasue I have avoided them. Now I am going to go seeking them out. And I will need your help all along the way.