Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Arms Wide Open

Kelly's words echo in my head often. "Your act is all over this Jason." So I'm on guard now moment by moment.

Life is cool these days. I get that when my arms are open the universe responds. I've kept things at arms length for so long, it's like exercicing a new muscle to "put myself out there".

Going to the party after ultimate last weekend, chatting with people at the tournament. And it was all so easy and comfortable. It was in who I was being. I'm almost overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility to my environment.

Last night Ultimate was awful on Sample Rd. I know I could have transformed that environment. But I was being stingy.

My bro Justin has been emailing me more, That's a lot of fun for me. he wants to come see me this summer, so we are going to make it happen!

Did I mention I am still looking for a new place to live?

Geri is still up and down in conversation with me. Some days mad, some days demanding, some days generous in her sharing.

I've learned a lot about her, and I am excited about what I have seen. Her smile is her autenticity meter. She is a smiling machine. She's a master of whatever game she chooses to play. She is putting forth admirable effort to be in a great relationship with her mom.

Gotta head to lunch...