Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What’s in it For Me or the Marriage Contract.

A thing of value is only a thing of value as long as we perceive this value of the thing.
Think of an item of sentimental value long since discarded. That prized teddy bear from a new love interest was the most precious material carrier of your heart’s delight. Remember the value of that soft and precious bear? Remember how your perception of the bear’s value altered dramatically soon after your new lover becomes your ex? Multiply that by a bad break up and the bear went from prized to despised. While the material of the bear never changed, your perception of the bear’s value did.

Many friends and loves have come and gone. Those we could not live without or have fun without we are now without and living and loving and funning without them, and likely they without us. The value we perceived they had in our lives changed when they stopped contributing or we stopped acknowledging their contribution to our perception of their value to us.

Where does all the value go? Wherever our perception goes. And that perception is intrinsically intertwined with the all powerful force known as, What’s in it For Me?” If I am no longer being fed, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically then what value is this thing to me. Setting aside the right and wrong of our perceptions (misperceptions) of the “things” of value (or no value), the bottom line is what we think is true, we know is true, and thus is true. When we feel we are not being “fed” in some way by the “thing” our perception of the value of the thing is absolutely influenced. Inevitably, few things in life will feed us unceasingly. And as the nourishment diminishes and fades, so does the “thing” in our view.

So how could a marriage survive? How can we creatures of selfish pursuits, maintain a feeding of and being fed by some one other person “till death do us part?” I think it can happen, if our matrimonial perceptions can be maintained.
A person, on an island of limited resources, say, coconut trees and rats, would find value in those resources every day till, death do they depart the island. Coconuts would have an unlimited number of uses over time, as would the…rats, and rat parts and tree parts. The increased value perception exists because, the islander has a daily need of the resources that continually feed and nourish.

So what about the perception of marriage? How is this nourishment maintained? I suggest the possible theories:

1. Adjust the value of the marriage contract. Divorce is occasionally deterred by the financial consequences to the parties or sometimes-emotional consequences to the children. We mistakenly apply the pressure on the divorce end and not the marriage end of the contract. Make “staying married” the focus vs “getting or not getting divorced.
2. Become experts in assigning value by our will rather than our perception. I choose the value of being a vegetarian simply because I choose it. And my partner’s value is whatever I say it is…till death do us part.

While taking my driving class online...

I came across these interesting alcohol facts.

In Florida, in 2000, there were 23,578 alcohol-related crashes, which injured 19,775 people and killed 9795. 32.6% of traffic fatalities and 9.5% of traffic crashes were alcohol related. Approximately three people died and 60 were injured every day due to alcohol related collisions in Florida.

The affects of alcohol are a general depressing of the functions of the brain and body. Depressing of these functions begins at the first sip of alcohol. The only safe amount of alcohol to consume and then drive is none.

STOMACH. Alcohol consumption on an empty stomach can cause a peptic ulcer or a bleeding ulcer. A bleeding ulcer occurs if acid flows into the ulcerated wall and penetrates an artery. It should be understood and made clear that alcohol is a toxic poison that can kill.

Alcohol appears to act as a stimulant and provokes a sensation approaching euphoria, which makes the subject wrongly assess his capabilities and take risks, which might not have been taken in the normal state. Alcohol also acts like an anesthetic: it suppresses or reduces perception, disrupts the faculties and above all, slows down the reflexes.

This site list risks and benefits of alcohol consumption You will find the information to be quite fascinating.

To be fair I wanted to list some of the benefits of alcohol consumption...
I would paraphrase them as follows.
Older men (45+) can experience some health benefits from moderate drinking. 1-2/day.
Overall the theories that drinking can be beneficial to one's health are controversial at best, especially for individuals younger than 45 and not suffering or predisposed to specific ailments.
Honestly I think that's it. The rest of the benefits are more perceived benefits. Social courage, sense of euphoria, brief stimulus, dulled senses.

The risks list of alcohol consumption is extensive.

But I will say this...People have used alcohol safely and enjoyably for thousands of years, and it continues to occupy an important place in many religious ceremonies and social celebrations.

Would we have been better off without alcohol in our lives?
I know some people who would have been. And what about the approximately three people who died and 60 who were injured every day due to alcohol related collisions in Florida in 2000? In one year 9800 people died from alcohol related traffic accidents, and their friends and families were left with that loss.

Consider for yourself the role alcohol has played in abuse, infidelity, murder, crime, suicide, divorce, broken relationships, broken hearts, empty wallets, homelessness...