Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back on the field

Man, I miss those days when i could run onto a field full speed with reckless abandon. Now I walk onto the field and with all the misalignment I can't seem to run better than 70%. Maybe I need yoga.

Back to Landmark tomorrow. It's been a very impactful event. Worth the long annoying drive.

An extra post today, woohoo! Great National College FB Championship Game tonight. USC and Texas. This weekend some great NFL wildcard games. And I have a bunch of movies to watch. Sweet.

Being grumpy or WHATEVER!

Insight into your past decreases anger. Where it came from is not as helpful as learning and practicing alternative ways of thinking and behaving. Insight can help, but only to a certain extent. If you can learn to reframe your past experiences and find ways to challenge anger-creating beliefs, you will be on your way to reducing rage.

Myth : Outside events make you angry. It is not helpful to not take responsibility for your own feelings. While it is true that outside events (beyond our control), can impact our feelings; what we do with these feelings is ultimately up to us. There are unfair situations, difficult people, and lots of fru- strations in life, but we are largely responsible for what we feel. Accepting the responsibility and hence the “ownership” of the anger, is essential in order to effectively deal with anger.

1. What is the habit or behavior that you want to quit? Write this down on top. 2. What pleasure or pay-off do you get from doing it? Write down (on the left side of the paper labeled pros) everything that comes to mind. Rank them, putting the strongest reason first. 3. What are the consequences of doing what it is that you do, that you want to quit? Again, write down everything that comes to mind. Rank them, putting the strongest reason first, on the right side of the paper, labeled cons.

To make permanent changes in behavior then, de-program the negative perception and replace it with a positive perception, use “feel” in the affirmations, and apply the Re-Imaging Technique in combination with your affirmations. To be most effective, the perceptions or statements will come about because of these steps:

1. Write down the negative pattern you want to change or de-program. 2. Create a statement reversing the negative pattern or belief, the re-programming statement – what YOU WANT to believe instead. 3. Add "In no longer feel" to the beginning of the statement created in step 1 (above). 4. Add "I feel" to the positive statement created in step 2. Statements preceded by "I feel" or "I no longer feel" denote experience, which is how the subconscious learns. This creates permanent change. 5. Repeat these statements aloud using the Re-imaging Technique described before. Do this three times a day (morning, noon and night) and after the first week you will feel a general acceptance of the belief and by the third week you will own it! 6. For the DEEPEST clearing you are best served by asking WHY.